"Look and see, for everyone is coming home!" Isaiah 60:4

Friday, March 15, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 11

Good Morning!

Today is Day 11 of the Money Saving Mom Early To Rise Challenge!

This morning we were challenged to essentially be a blessing to others. We've taken the time to prepare ourselves for the day and now we can give of ourselves, maybe by just a gentle word or a thoughtful action. I think it's true that when you invest in time for yourself you do have more energy and drive to bless others around you.
I know as I've grown in Christ, I've tried to make it a point to give others the benefit of the doubt first, and be understanding when a situation arises. I'm trying to have that mindset too with the kids. It can be so hard to remember sometimes when our human nature wants to take over and be snarky, but we are told to be on guard for these kinds of instances, and so much more in Romans 12:2. Sometimes, I try to remember by asking myself how I would react if I could see Jesus standing before me, watching me ('cause He is!). Would I let my humanness take over? Or would I choose to be a blessing to others because I feel filled up myself, whether by the Word, or having spent time in prayer, singing a worship song (or 3!) or watching the sun rise and praising God? These are all things I would probably miss or feel rushed through if I didn't take the time to get up early and give myself time to get to.

So my question to you is...How will you be a blessing to others today?

What time did I get up??

Accidentally took this with the flash on. Oops. 5:45 am, not too bad. D-baby does NOT want to sleep anywhere but with Mama and Daddy, so last night was a struggle for us to get him to sleep in his bed. He cried for an hour, and would get up every few minutes or so for about 20 minutes until he was too tuckered to fight his sleep anymore. As of now he's slept for 6 hours straight.

This will be the last post for the week. When we pick up next week, our family will be in Georgia! I'm super excited to blog from down there. I'm planning on continuing with the ETRC, but we'll see how that goes with timezones being off. Tomorrow I'm hoping to do a post on D-baby's 1st birthday party! See you then!


  1. Being a blessing to others is such a great focus to have! And wow, you got up at 5:45! You go woman! =)

    Today I tried to be a blessing to my husband by letting him have uninteruppted time to work. I'm hope sick today, and so I've been asking a lot of him... I intentionally set a timer and every time I wanted to ask for something, I looked at the timer instead and was able to leave him alone for quite a while! =) It's small, but I hope it blessed him.

    Found your blog from my pinterest feed--someone pinned this post! =)

    1. Welcome and thank you so much for the encouragement, Tori! Hope you're feeling better soon, and yes, I know the feeling of asking a lot of hubby when he's working from home. I'm sure you are a blessing to him always!
