"Look and see, for everyone is coming home!" Isaiah 60:4

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge Day 10

Good Morning!

Today is Day 10 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

This morning went over what times you are most awake and available to take on the day. I totally agree with what the author is saying. 4:30 is often my crash (and BURN!) time. Taking on the time to wake up and get going on my day early has helped me set up my schedule and prep me to get the hard things I need to accomplish first. I've seen a major difference in how effective I can be when I wake up early vs. fighting to wake up when the kids alarm goes off.

So, what time did I wake up this morning?

YAY! A decent time, technically a little earlier since I had to search the house for the camera.

How do you feel your effectiveness changes when you get up early vs. when you don't?

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