"Look and see, for everyone is coming home!" Isaiah 60:4

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Early to Rise Challenge: Day 28

Good Morning all!

This is Day 28 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

Today's passage covered praying. I am so glad the author included this passage in his book. I think prayer is such a necessary thing and there are so many (I'm mainly talking about Christians here) who don't take the time to do it often enough. I'm one of them.

My prayer life is something I struggle with doing consistently. Most of the time I forget to do it at all. Bible reading/study is a bit more consistent, but not by much. And then there are things like scripture memorization that I know I should be doing, but most of the time just plain old don't. Blah.

Prayer is something I'd like to incorporate into my morning routine along with Bible reading/study. Does anyone have good resources on becoming a prayer warrior? I feel like I don't know where to even start to make prayer a regular thing in my life.

Has prayer always been a consistent thing in your walk with Christ? Or have you been more like me and not even known where to start?

Today's action tip is to start thinking about what I'll do to celebrate my ETR victory! This is kind of fun, but I'm having trouble thinking of something fun. I would like whatever I do to coincide with my new habit of getting up early, either by making it easier, more motivating or more fun when I do it. Usually I would reward myself with something edible, so all I've thought of so far is to go by myself a new kind of coffee. Maybe I'll celebrate by making Pioneer Woman's Iced Coffee recipe, you know since we're headed into spring/summer around here soon (hopefully after this last winter blast gets through with us). Anyway, if you have any other ideas, let me know!

Tomorrow I'll be posting what I hope to incorporate in my morning routine after this challenge is over. On to new goals and challenges!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Early to Rise Challenge Day 27

Good Morning all!

This is Day 27 of the Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

Today we're encouraged to change our outlook on  whatever or whomever we're frustrated with. Currently I am personally frustrated with my health issues. I'm also frustrated with the seemingly never endless housework. But for now we'll just go with my health issues.

 So instead of focusing on the bad, we're challenged to change our outlook and focus on the good. Here's my list of the good that has come out of my diagnosis with Graves:
1.  I have an immune system  - This alone is huge because lots of people are born without any kind of an immune system in place. I cannot imagine all the complications that could come from that alone.

2. I have a thyroid - again, huge because some people have had to take theirs out or have it destroyed.

3. We have awesome health insurance - kinda, but it's better than most. We've heard horror stories from friends about their health insurance and all the struggles they go through. I'm glad we are not currently in that boat

4. We have access to various medications and doctors - we can find a medication that not only works best for us, but we also can change doctors if we feel the need to.

5. We have transportation to get to and back from the doctors or pharmacy.  - This is huge too, because it means I can get myself to the doctor safely and quickly if need be.

So even though I feel like I'm going through a tough time right now, I have this and so much more to think about and keep me positive. I don't think it will make me start liking my Graves Disease, but to change my outlook on it will help me not dwell on it so much.

So, what time did I get up today? 5:15 am. Not too bad, but I'm really feeling the need for a cuppa joe right now.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge Day 26

Good Morning all!

This is Day 26 of  Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

I struggle with what to write today about our subject, loneliness. Am I scared to write about it? I don't know, we'll see.

Loneliness is often an indicator of something bad, a dark time in life, or possibly even a time of depression. Being lonely, not having anyone notice you exist and are worth getting to know, feeling lost as if the ones you love deeply and who are supposed to return that unconditional love have decided they no longer want to know you or have turned against you. Shutting everyone out not because you want to but because you can't bear to be around anyone else and you don't know why. Loneliness can be all these things and so much more. Loneliness can be one of the most feared emotions we face.

But loneliness can also be an indicator that you are getting somewhere. When paired with a goal, loneliness can be a sign that you are different, in a good way. You are doing what others don't want to do to reach those goals. You're putting away all the lies that whisper in your ears and keep you from even attempting whatever your challenge is. 

I can't say I've felt lonely on this challenge, but I have felt it during several other times in life, some of the worst ones right now.

So, what time did I wake up today? 5:02 am! I lied awake in bed for a couple minutes listening to the rain on the roof. It was quite relaxing and I'm so glad I started out my day that way.

If you are feeling lonely in this journey, or whatever your challenge is, let me encourage and pray for you. Your willingness to "sucker punch your challenge", make some goals and change your life, and possibly the lives of your family is inspiring to say the least.

Heavenly Father, I pray for those out there reading this. I pray for the ones who are on a journey to be different with a goal planted in their hearts by You. Lord, these challenges you've placed on us are worthy to be walked, and You are Worthy Of Praise during the successes and during the loneliness. Please use these emotions you have so graciously given us to experience as tools to draw us closer to you as reminders for us to seek you when we feel lonely. So, Father God, I ask that you bless those who's journey has told them day in and day out that they are different. I ask that you remind them they are never truly alone because we know you are always with us. Cover them with Your Love, Your Grace, Your Mercy. Give them the endurance to meet their goals. Give them the eyes to see Your Hand in this. Help them to know they are moving the right direction. We love you! In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Early to Rise Challenge Day 25

Good Morning all!

This is Day 25 of Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

This week has been a fight. I wish I could declare it over, but seeing as it's not the weekend yet, obviously I can't. Yesterday I broke out in hives from my medication. UGH! Just when I thought we were getting somewhere with this hyperthyroid stuff. They are everywhere and I am miserable. I was able to take a benedryl yesterday along with some hydrocortison cream. This combo seems to calm them down a bit, but I still have to take my meds until my doc says otherwise. I will be putting in a call this morning!

Anyways, on to the book!

Today's challenge is to spread the word about the Early to Rise Challenge. We are to tell 5 people today about our challenge and where they can get the book, www.earlytorisebook.com . I've actually already been talking about this to a few people, but I'm not sure more than 3 people know about it. Hubs knows of course, and so does my mom. I'm pretty certain I've mentioned it to at least 1-2 friends. Does this count?

I think I might wait for the weekend to try to tell 5 people all in one day. I don't see five people in a day around here sometimes (besides the kids and I don't want them thinking ETR is for them!)

I do love the idea of spreading the word though. I love that it could change someone's schedule and thereby change someone's life, making them better at what they do, how they live. Once this challenge is over, I will continue to get up at 5-5:30am on the weekdays. I know I have some goals I need to work on during this time and some quiet time to spend with God.

So, what time did I wake up this morning? 5:23 am. Fredrika did her thing at 5 am on the dot, but I didn't get that great of a night with all the itching and what not. Benedryl, kick in now please!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 24

Good Morning all!

This is Day 24 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

I highlighted a lot in today's passage. It covers how you can have a "creator" life vs. a "reactive" life. Basically, are you doing something or are you waiting for something? This fits in perfectly with a subject I heard spoken at a conference I attended last Friday. Our church hosted Jill Savage and she spoke on friendship. It was a message I so needed to hear and it hit home with me. I think on what she said daily, and this applies perfectly too. Am I a reactor or a creator? Am I a "here I am" or a "there you are" kind of person? I hate to elaborate much more as I really do want you to read the author's words in the book. I think you'll be blessed by them just as I am.

So, what time did I wake up today? Right at 5 am when Fredrika did her thing. Yay! I do really enjoy this time when it's so quiet in the house and now feel my day just didn't start right if I don't get in my morning quiet time.

What kind of person are you going to choose to be? A reactor or a creator?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 23

Good morning all!

This is Day 23 of Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge.

So, I didn't write my invite to Hubs yesterday. It was a bit of a stressful day and it just never happened. Hubs and I have had a hard time communicating too, so that's put a strain on us the past couple weeks. We were doing ok for a while, but last night it just kinda fell apart. I know every couple goes through times like this, but it doesn't make it any easier. It does help to know that we're not alone. I just wish we could fix it for good.

I'll pursue this challenge again today after Hubs goes to work.

Day 23 talks about writing. This is not something I love to do, or even something I feel I'm good at. I tend to write the way I think and speak. I have no idea whether or not this is even a good thing. A writing challenge is both a bit intimidating to me and a little uninteresting at the same time. My type A personality wants to do it because it's the next step in the challenge, and I do want to write for my blog. But it's also a bit uninteresting at the same time because I don't want to write a book, only my blog. Maybe I'll think on this a bit more. Never say never, I suppose.

Our action tip for today is to write down ideas for a book. We also have a word count goal to start us out. Now since I've never been a writer or thought of myself as a writer, I can't say I'll pursue this part of the challenge immediately, but if God is leading me there, of course I will follow.

Here's my ideas:
1. Continue to blog, possibly daily, about our family, adoption, daily events, just as a log of what happened in our daily lives.
2.Gardening/sustainable living (though I feel I need more experience in this area first)
3. Children's books - There are so many children's books out there, and while I know I don't have the ability to be a good illustrator, I do love the simplicity of telling a children's story. This could have potential.

So, what time did I wake up? 5:22 am, and I have to confess I did hit the snooze button once. D-baby was freezing in his room, so I brought him into our room and warmed him up a bit. It was good to cuddle with him for a little while, and I think it was time well spent.

What do you think about writing? Love it or hate it? Have you always wanted to or does it intimidate you like it does me?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 22

Good Morning and happy Monday!

This is Day 22 of Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

Today's passage is about asking your spouse to get up early with you. I'm kind of excited for this because I sometimes feel Hubs and I don't get to spend a lot of time together. I know we won't be able to both do this all the time, but it would be great to be able to just once a week or so.

Our action tip for the day is to write our spouse an invitation to rise early with us tomorrow morning. I'll be doing that in a minute. Thought I know Hubs doesn't entertain the idea of rising early nearly as well as I do, I think he might just go on this with me, if only for tomorrow. I think I'll make it into a coffee/bible study time for us, so I might not make it back here to blog before Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes!

So, what time did I get up today? Fredrika went off at her normal 5 am, but I didn't get up and about until 5:17 am. I'm pretty sure with tomorrow being a challenge for both me and Hubs, I'll be up on time. Maybe I'll even have pictures of us tomorrow! We found the camera cord!

Will you be inviting your spouse to join in with you tomorrow? If not, who do you think you'll invite?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 21

Good morning all!

This is Day 21 of Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

This morning D-baby woke up around 4:50am. So into bed with me he went again (I need to quit that. >:{ ) But this time I got up like I should! I didn't have any trouble with D-baby tossing and turning like we did last night, so that was a blessing!

Today's passage was about smirking. The thought behind this is you aren't smirking, just to smirk, but rather remembering when you wake up early in the morning you are "sucker punching your day" by getting a jump start on it. Not much to the idea, just something nice to remember as a little motivation.

It's cute, but IMO, doesn't add much to the experience. I am starting to feel getting up early isn't nearly as hard as it used to be, and for that I am grateful.

How are you doing on the challenge? Is it still difficult to wake up or are you up before your alarm clock?

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 20

Morning all!

This is Day 20 of Money Saving Mom's Early To Rise Challenge!

I'm trying my best!

Wednesday night was rough for D-baby. I think he's headed through a growth spurt right now. He woke up around 2:30 am, so I brought him into bed with us ( bad mama!). I had a feeling I was going to have to fight him pretty hard to get him back to sleep otherwise. I hate when I'm right sometimes. Poor D-baby tossed and turned for 2 hours until I finally realized he could be hungry. Hubs ran downstairs and got him a cup of milk which D-baby heartily drank, smiled, handed the now empty cup to me, and curled up almost immediately asleep. By this time it was a little after 4:30. I didn't know how hard he was going to sleep so I just stayed in bed with him until 6. It was good to cuddle with my little love for a while.

Day 20 is about silence and how hard it can be sometimes. I was pretty neutral on silence and whether or not I liked it until I became a mom. Now silence is something I crave unless the kids are awake. Then silence can mean trouble, especially coming from a baby. Then silence scares me.

Our action tip for the day is to be silent in the car. No radio, or any other kind of device plugged in to distract you from the silence. To be honest, I never find silence in the car stifling. In fact, it's where I enjoy silence the most. If I'm in the car, 99% of the time, the kids are with me. Silence in the car, with the kids, means they're either asleep or they're observing the world going by. But it's a safe silence. It's a freeing, relaxing silence.

Yesterday, in fact when we were out running errands, I had the radio off and didn't notice it until I was almost home. When I turned it on my oldest exclaimed "Hey, music!" as if it was something she'd never heard in the car before. Sometimes we observe silence even when we don't notice it.

Being silent in my prayer life is one area I've never quite understood. I believe silence in prayer is a good thing, a necessary thing, but how does it work? What does it look like? How do you DO silent prayer? The logistics are a little lost on me.

 What does silence during prayer look like for you? Any tips on how you do it?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 19

Morning all!

This is Day 19 of the Money Saving Mom Early To Rise Challenge!

Today's passage talked about one of my favorite words. Planning!
We don't just stumble through our day, (or our life, really) waiting for something to happen to us. If we do we have a victim mentality. The author explains this more in depth in the book.
But first, we need to back up and do something to take control of our day, and that would be planning!
Here's my schedule for the day:

5am: Wake up, blog for ETR Challenge, read Bible if time allows
7am: Kids up, get ready for school, wake baby. Drop offs begin
9am: Housework, baby down for morning nap
11am: Pick ups begin
12pm:Lunch, back to housework, stop for some time to play with the kids
1:30 pm: Homework time
2:45 pm: Run errands if there are any to do, afternoon nap for baby
5:00 pm: Start preparing dinner if it's not already in the crockpot.
6:30 pm: Hubby home (hopefully), dinner time!
8:30 pm: Kids get ready for bed, spend some one on one time with the baby. Wind down with hubby.
10:00 pm Baby down for the night. Read a little, then bed time.

Now that I know what my day looks like, I can take control of it more instead of stumbling through and hoping something somewhere gets accomplished. This also allows me to have more goals and be more effective in getting them done. I'm going to tell my time what to do today!

What does your schedule look like? Do you like planning or do you prefer living in the moment?

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 18, or Fredrika didn't wake me up!

Good Morning all!

This is Day 18 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

I'm so sorry for the lack of post on "actual" day 18. Let's see. We left off on Stupid Early. Here's what went down:
1.  I went to bed around 10:15 ish...but couldn't fall asleep until 11:30 :( Lying there really made me think about deep and profound things.
~ Did I turn off the light in the kitchen?
~ Oh yes, I did.
~ Is there any chocolate in the house?
~ Oh, no, there's not.
~ Is it time to get up yet? I would really enjoy a cup of coffee.
~ Liz, do you realize it's only 10:21 pm?
And then I realized the last answer was hubby, who I was apparently annoying with my questions. He suggested I read a book for a bit, to help wind me down. I guess annoying questions are not the way to wind down?

P.S. The part of the above story involving hubby is untrue. But what does remain true is annoying questions are not the way to wind down, whether asked to ones self or to their attempting to sleep hubby. Mine, for the record, was out cold.

2. 11:45 : Yes, that's right. 15 minutes after I'd been BLISSFULLY asleep....D-baby wakes up and will NOT go back to bed for Hubs.

3. 12:10 : D-baby is finally asleep again (PTL!) and I'm headed to bed, fall asleep quickly (and blisfully) and don't wake up until 6:00 am when Hubby's alarm, Steve, wakes us up.

4. Wait. 6 am? But Fredrika was set to go off at 5 am. I ask Hubby if he heard her go off this morning and he notes he didn't hear a thing. Which leads me to believe she didn't go off this morning, cause he HATES the sound of my alarm. Indigenous Tribe Preparing For War was how I believe he described my alarm. Not the way he likes to wake up in the morning.

So instead of having enough time to get down here and post, I just got on with the day, sans ETR Challenge :( .

But here's what I would have written had I gotten up on time. (Thanks, Fredrika!)

Today's passage covered the sum total of the effects waking early will have on the world and how many small good choices will lead to a bigger good cumulative effect on your life. We also choose who we're going to be today. But what ever role we believe we are for today, fill it, and fill it well.

Our action tip is to write down the rolls we fulfill and then pick two we are going to excel in today. Here's mine:

Daughter of the King, daughter, sister, wife, mother, housekeeper/manager, friend, citizen.

The two I'm going to excel in today are sister and friend. These two rarely if ever get picked, and I need to focus in on them and their cumulative effects. Maybe bringing a family closer together, maybe letting one know they're not alone.

What are your roles in life and what two do you think you'll excel at today?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 17

Good Morning all!

This is Day 17 of the Money Saving Mom Early To Rise Challenge!

I flubbed.

I should have done what the challenge told me to Friday. I had all intentions of going to bed around 10:00-10:30, but didn't get to bed until 11:30. And guess what happened when I woke up on Saturday? I was tired. Big surprise.

When will I learn???

Apparently not Sunday night. Last night I didn't get to bed until almost 1 am. That's right, I said 1. A. M. Now I'm not only tired, but BEAT. Drained. Exhausted. Depleted.

Ugh. So, tonight we're going to bed "Stupid Early". I'm going to listen to the author and remember that in order to take hold of rising early, I need to get a hold of going to bed early.

Today's passage encouraged us to "rest" while we are awake. Slow down and simplify our actions instead of multi-tasking our way through the day will not only improve our efficiency and focus but will help us enjoy and experience more.

I personally vacillate between trying to get things done and be as efficient as possible and just wanting to "stop glorifying the busy". Most of the time I'm the multi-tasker. But I can see the author's point in that I don't enjoy nearly as much of my day, as usually I'm watching it pass by while I try to make my two hands into eight.

Slowing down, especially with my kids is one area I'm really going to be intentional about this week. Making sure I give them my full attention, even when I don't want to or when I think I can't be interrupted in a task. Giving them my energy instead of giving the task I'm doing more importance. There will be times when interruptions are not ok, ex. when doing business on the phone, not just a casual conversation. But investing in my kids and giving them my focus will reap many more benefits long term than any amount of multitasking around them could.

How are you going to slow down, and is there anything you are intentionally going to focus on because of slowing down?

So what time did I get up this morning? Well, Fredrika went off at her usual 5 am, but I didn't get up until 5:25 am. D-baby was in bed with us after being woken up by a thunderstorm this morning. So I changed his diaper and got myself up and around for the day.

So, take aways from today:
1. Go to bed EARLIER than 10:30 pm. "Stupid Early"
2. Rest, as in decrease the multi-tasking for today.
3. Be intentional about focusing on the kids as a result of the decreased multi-tasking.
4. Bed. "Stupid. Early"
5. "Stupid. EARLY" ( Don't forget that.)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 16

Good Morning all!

This is Day 16 of the Money Saving Mom Early To Rise Challenge!

Today's topic was about bedtime. Something I need to learn. I have the bad habit of staying up way too late and feeling like I'm dragging the next morning. And I know this will happen when I make the decision to stay up late. What am I doing most of the time? Usually it's nothing. Like 95% of the time, it really is just me and Pinterest or the TV that are burning the midnight oil.

Why oh why do I do this to myself?

The author gives some examples of what time he goes to bed in order to wake up on time. I think I'm pretty close, by half an hour or so. But today's challenge is to go to bed, as the book puts it "Stupid Early". As in, about an hour earlier. So instead of going to bed somewhere around 11:00-11:30 or later, I'll be going to bed hopefully around 10. This is actually a good plan, because that means D-baby will (HOPEFULLY!!!) be in bed by 9:30 ish. We've been inching up his bedtime for a few days now. and I think he would tolerate a 9:30 bedtime, though the eventual goal is 9 pm.

So, what time did I get up this morning? 5:15 am. Not as good as some days, but that's to be expected.

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 15

Good Morning!

This is Day 15 of the Money Saving Mom Early To Rise Challenge!

Today is the halfway point of the challenge. I'm kinda surprised that I'm still in the game, to be honest. I thought I would have long given up by now, but I'm still here. It seems my motivation is also gaining momentum, whether from the idea that I'm still doing this or from the results of getting up early I don't know. Guess it doesn't matter either way, as long as I'm getting up. Really though, I'm learning to love my early mornings and the quiet time I get to have before the day starts.

I am writing the post on my actual Day 16, but wanted to get this one up first (Type A personality, what can I say.)

Day 15 spoke about how our past does not dictate our future. Obviously, I've not been able to stick with the challenge spot on. It's almost halfway into April for heaven's sake and I'm still doing this. But I know that sticking with my goal to get through weekdays of rising early is going to change my whole perspective and ability to do this for a majority of the time from now on. I don't know that I'll do this forever, but for this season in my life, however long it may last, I know rising early works.

But on the other hand, giving myself grace is not only necessary but essential to being motivated to do this until the challenge ends and then keeping it consistent. I tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of person when it comes to things like this (Type A, right?). So without the grace I constantly need to remember to give to myself, I would just throw this whole challenge out the window, likely with first day I failed.

I did change my rise time by half an hour, so now instead of 5:30 am I wake up at 5 am. I was just feeling so rushed and not relaxed at all when I woke up and that's not how this is supposed to go. Apparently I need a full hour and a half before any of my kids wake up for the day.

So, what time did I get up today? The alarm went off at 5 and I got out of bed at 5:03 am! Woot! Success!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Graves Disease and Early To Rise Challenge: Day 14

Morning all!

This is Day 14 of Money Saving Mom's Early to Rise Challenge!

I'm plugging on.

It's obvious I haven't been doing this consistently (which is actually the subject matter for today! Ha!). It's been a struggle lately and I finally figured out why 2 days ago.

In a previous post, I talked about my diagnosis with Graves Disease and all that went before and after that. I struggled so much with almost depression like symptoms and fatigue it was hard to do anything on those days. That was before and during the time we were tweaking my meds to pinpoint my dosage. Things gradually got better and I was able to resume a "normal" feeling I hadn't had for quite some time.

It started all falling apart when we were in Georgia. I had some random muscle aches in my arm and really didn't think much of it. I figured it was from the travel and I'd be over it soon. It started progressing to my other arm, my back and neck and eventually my legs and feet. At the very worst of it, I could barely bring my hand to my mouth to take my medicine, and I was still by myself all day wrangling 3 littles. Hubs had to move my arms for me so I could get loosened up enough to move myself.

 My joints started hurting too. I thought I was having problems with my knee again. I had fractured it about 4 years ago and it took a good year and a half to two years to finally be useful. This time I couldn't bend it much or straighten it fully. I had some swelling but was able to walk on it fine, except for having to bend it. Puzzled the docs sent me for x-rays and wanted to go to the orthopedist.

I also started experiencing some of the same depression symptoms I had in the beginning. I told Hubs it felt like I was falling into that hole all over again. Come to find out it was because my Graves Disease had gotten out of hand. My meds had more or less just quit working.

Thankfully I had an appointment and my doc decided to switch meds. I'm now on the the initial med my doc wanted to start with, but my son' pediatrician was not ok with me using while nursing. It's been amazing. I could almost tell a difference within 24 hours after starting it. I'm no longer sore, I can move as soon as I wake up and I don't feel constantly gloomy.

I've been giving myself some grace and have let myself sleep when I need to sleep. Rest is so important to me right now. But I also need to not let it go too far and use this as an excuse to not continue on. So today's reading was very appropriate to helping motivate me to get out of bed.

I don't know what it's going to cost me yet. Maybe a night of putting the kids to sleep by myself? (One chore I loathe except for the fact I can cuddle them a bit :D) Maybe getting up when the baby wakes up? (He's having troubles of his own in the sleep department :( ) I don't know. I'll discuss with Hubs. What is it costing you to not get up on time?

So what time did I wake up this morning? 5:33 am. And I have no picture because I still can't find that camera cord. I really need to get my act together, ya'll.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Early to Rise Challenge: Day 13

Morning all!

This is Day 13 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

I have to admit I'm struggling with this challenge a bit more than I'd like to admit. I know it's expected, since it is a Challenge after all. I really feel like I need to get my act together and be more motivated to get up every morning. I don't seem to have a problem waking up, but physically getting up out of bed. Is anyone else having or had the same problem?

So, I ended up waking up at 5:30, but I didn't get up and get downstairs until 5:47. Almost 20 minutes later! I think I need to go back and review the first few days to get my motivation back. Maybe having coffee ready for me in the morning will help.

Today's passage covered how to be a blessing to others. In fact the book's assignment was about tangible things we could do to bless. I didn't make it through the assignment. It was a lot harder than I thought. I'll pick it up again over the next few days until I get it done. Hopefully I'll incorporate some of these things soon.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Early To Rise Challenge: Day 12

Hi all!

This is day 12 of the Money Saving Mom Early to Rise Challenge!

I took a couple weeks off. It was both longer than I intended to, and hardly something I intended to do at all. I had wanted to blog while we were on our trip, but that never worked out. So I thought I'd wait til we got home. I never realized how tired I would be when we made it back. All I wanted to do was sleep and give myself a little time to get back into the swing of things. So, I thought I'd start yesterday. That ended up a "failure" day. All of this to say, I'm here now! Thank goodness.

It feels so good to be back in somewhat of a routine. Don't get me wrong. We had a wonderful time while we were out and away. Can I tell you visiting GA makes me want to stay there? Buy a little house? But travel threw all of us off our routine, most of all D-baby. He started showing signs he was done about halfway through the trip. And he's still struggling a bit with being home now. Things are getting better day by day. Can you tell we don't travel too much?

On to the Challenge!

I liked the passage today about NOT going with the flow. I've never personally been one to "flow" much, but never thought about why. I'll agree with the author that this is getting difficult because it's new territory. I'm going to keep reminding myself what I tell my daughter sometimes. "Just because something is hard doesn't mean you shouldn't do it." Onward I strive.

But not going with the flow in order to slow down is a new concept. I've only thought "going against the flow"  was how you not go with the flow. But, it's "slow, not flow" that I'll have to think on about how to execute. I like the concept. Sometimes going against the flow is too much work!

So, what time did  get up? 5:42 according to the clock. I feel pretty good right now, but will likely need a nap or something by the early afternoon. Will post a picture as soon as I can find the camera usb cable.

Still hoping to do a post on D-baby's birthday. Hope to find the time soon!

A question before you go: How do you "slow, not flow"? I need ideas!