"Look and see, for everyone is coming home!" Isaiah 60:4

Sunday, May 22, 2011

You know your husband ROCKS when...

his wife of 3.5 years neglects to plan ANYTHING for his birthday and he's still just as happy as can be.

Today is Dylan's birthday.

I am that wife.

We had a good day today though, despite my inabilities. Church, of course, then lunch with Sunday School class (who sang Happy Birthday to him too!),  home for a bit, but it was my mom who really saved the day!

She decided to take our family out for dinner wherever Dylan would like to go! (Isn't she the best?! I love my mom!)

We ended up at Old Chicago for dinner, followed by more singing, ice cream and a really big cookie! So yummy.

In my defense, we have been way beyond busy around here. In fact, I think he kinda knew I wouldn't be able to plan much for him because,.....well, I told him so last night. He knew before I told him, and I felt horrible that I wasn't able to do more for his birthday. I did promise him that I would surprise him with a little something when things calm down around here a bit.

I don't care if it'll be almost winter before that happens...it adds to the surprise element, dontchathink?

(P.S. Thanks mom! We had a blast! Love You!)

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