Then we made our way across the Bosco Student Plaza to the Union to go to Varney's Bookstore. While we were there, the KSU Marching Band preformed outside on the Plaza. Duncan did his first Wabash!
I also bought some beautiful flowers from the KSU Horticulture Dept.
Lavender in the middle and Viola around the outside. A couple days after this a rabbit came and ate my violas :(
Eventually we made our way to Call Hall for the infamous ice cream. The kids and I entertained ourselves by taking pictures...
...while we were waiting for the line to move.
Enjoying our ice cream! YUM!
I particularly like this pic!
We also stopped by the Bakery Science Club's bake sale and picked up cookies and tortillas (which were surprisingly authentic!) We used up 4 packages in a week and a half!
We also stopped by Doughboys for some dinner before we left town. As always, the pizza was great!
We had a good day but were incredibly tired the next day. Duncan decided he had to eat twice on the typically 2 hour trip home, so it actually took us somewhere close to 3.5 hours to get back to KC. We were all glad to be out of the car.
In other news, here's what the garden is doing so far this year. Not too much happening, especially since we're dragging our feet getting the veggie garden in. I had no time to plant anything from seed, so I've bought all our tomatoes and will be buying our peppers also. The front yard has had a few pretty blooms.
The blueberry bush is doing great! We're excited to have a few berries ripen this year!
Here's our Knock-out Rose bush this year!
This is the rose bush I bought for myself for Mother's Day last year. Truth be told, I'm a little disappointed in this bush. It's only produced two blooms...ever. One last year and this one. :(
These are cone flowers! I'm excited for these since they were free. When last year's flowers died and dried up, I took the seeds and sprinkled them all over the surrounding area in the garden. This year I've got 5-8 new plants! I love to get flowers for free!
I'm excited to start tackling the assignments Money Saving Mom has on her 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home series. I'm praying my way through these next couple days, that I'll be able to make some good progress, but also trying to remember that any little success is still a success.
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